OPEN | Face to Face | Online & Phone Appointments |
PHEW! - we have made it to the other side. The #SouthAustralianGoverment have announced that we are coming out of lockdown as of midnight Tuesday night.
Therefore, the gang at De-Stress and be HAPPY will be returning to work seeing clients #facetoface on Wednesday 28th July.
Please be aware that masks are mandatory in health care settings for the time being. (There are a few exceptions.... I am sure you will know if you are exempt.)
REMINDER Online & Phone appointments are also still available as well as face to face.
We look forward to seeing you at De-Stress and be HAPPY | in clinic or virtually very soon.
PS We are running REIKI and EAR CANDLING training courses this year. Reiki 1 - Initiate Level Training is happening 21 + 22 August 2021.
Practitioner Ear Candling Training 6 + 7 November 2021. - Bookings are now open if you are interested.
Take care and keep safe.