So you've been diagnosed with ANXIETY: If you are looking for a simple explanation, then you have come to the right place!
Check out my video on Anxiety.
this video will give you a great simple explanation of ANXIETY and what is happening in your Mind & Body:
By the way - you are not alone - one in five people in Australia are experiencing a Mental Health issue at this time, and ANXIETY is right up at the top of the list.............
Take some time to absorb what you seen and learnt from the video:
There is help available and one of the people who may be of assistance is www.de-stressandbehappy.com
Contact me (Kerry) for an more information or to make an appointment:
APPOINTMENTS can be in person at my clinic 29 Jetty Road Brighton South Australia or
via SKYPE at an mutually convenient time: (ANYWHERE in the world - as long as you speak English!)
Best wishes
Kerry Heritage - Wellness Practitioner